So I noticed it has been almost a month since I posted anything new. WHOOPS. I just haven't really had much to say so I didn't have anything to post I guess. :) Treatment is still going good, it is hard to believe I only have 7 radiation treatments left! So far everything is going as planned minus a bad case of thrush which they kind of expected since I'm on steroids, but I've been taking the meds and it is clearing up nicely now. I lost my hair about 2 weeks ago? It was really hard on me the first few days, but I'm okay with it now. Nancy hooks me up at least once a week with a new beanie so I have lots to switch out with. I have been pretty tired lately but that is something to be expected and as long as I rest often and don't over do it I'm fine. We are in the process of setting up a consultation with Dr. Korec who is the Chemo doctor so I will be sure to keep everyone posted on that. Right now we are thinking my last radiation treatment will be the 13th and then they say I will most likely have a break before Chemo and not start until the new year, but we of course won't know for sure until we talk to Dr. Korec himself. Overall, I must say I'm doing pretty good, I have bad days but who doesn't right??
In other news, Austin will be one on the 15th..WHERE has the time gone? I swear I was just finding out we were pregnant with him!! He is the total opposite of Aidyn too. As most of you know Aidyn has always been our relaxed kid. Didn't crawl until a year, didn't walk until 18 1/2 months, never really got into anything(still doesn't). Austin on the other hand, that kid keeps us on our toes! He started "army" crawling around 7 months, then started cruising along the furniture about 10 months and now he full on crawls, can stand on his own, and will walk just holding on to one of your hands. Pretty sure he will be walking on his own by the end of the year if not sooner. He also gets into everything and anything. Seriously, you can't look away from him for even a second because that is all it takes for him to be on top of something. The kid has NO fear. He will stack things on top of each other so he can climb on them and get to something he wants. Poor Aidyn, nothing is safe anymore. We have to make sure any food we give Aidyn is up on a super high table or make sure that it is small enough that Austin won't choke on it if he gets a hold of it. Which leads me to Austin's eating. We ideally wanted to slowly switch him to table food and have him fully transitioned at around 13 months like we did with Aidyn. Well, Austin had other plans apparently. He will not allow you to feed him anymore and will only eat if we give him finger foods. Granted, this scared the crap out of me because I was so worried about him choking. Yea, no issues there! I swear he eats more than Aidyn does! I have no clue where the kid puts it all, but I'm sure it's since he is always moving, he never stops. Not even to be changed, you get about 3 seconds to fully change him and he is done laying still. Which of course means all those cute 12 month onsies and outfits we bought him like a month ago? Yea, we are getting rid of them because snaps and austin don't mix well lol.
Aidyn is good for the most part. He has hit the lovely age of constant fits for no reason. Really drives us nuts some days. He also has developed a little attitude, some things that come out of his mouth absolutely shock me. I want my sweet little boy back and not this little attitude child! A lot of friends of mine with kids the same age are going through it too so I know it will pass, but hurry up! lol
For some reason this year I am really excited for Christmas. I don't know if it because Aidyn knows more about what is going on or what but I have been super excited about decorating and doing crafts and baking this year! Aidyn and daddy usually do some small craft at least once a week, this week they made cookies for mommy and made trains to hang up. Aidyn also makes sure he plugs in the tree and all the indoor lights every day when he wakes up and unplugs them every night before bed. It is so cute! I think this week I'm going to see if I can't find a little fake tree to put up in the boys' room on their dresser, I haven't decided yet though. We haven't hung any decorations outside though because our lovely house only has one outlet and it is on our patio so it would be a royal pain to put lights up which is a bummer, but such is life right? I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season!!! I added a photo from Austin's 1st snow experience for you all to enjoy :)