We are taking Aidyn to the bouncy place in town on his birthday so he can have some fun and release some energy. I'm sad that Adam has to work and will miss it but such is life in the military :(. I just got a new memory card for my camera so there will be a lot of pictures for him to see(and for everyone else to see of course!)
It isn't "official" yet because we still have to wait for it to get approved but, we are planning on coming home for 2 weeks in June! I'm so excited! Aidyn will get to have a sleepover with his cousins for the entire time since we are staying with Joe and Sam and they are totally awesome and Aidyn has his own bed in Gavin and Brodie's room :). So as long as everything gets approved we will be leaving New Mexico in the early morning hours of June 3rd and returning sometime on the 19th. I'm excited to get to see all of our family and I am planning a little get together with my fellow WTE mommas!! For those of you that don't know, I have been part of an amazing group of women since I was pregnant with Aidyn. We all have kiddos who are 2 or turning 2 in the next few weeks. Even though I have never "met" any of these ladies I feel like they are my sisters. We share so much with each other, from the struggles of being the parents of toddlers, to our toddlers getting siblings and any funky and embarrassing things we may have questions about! There are 4 mommas that live in Colorado and I am so excited to finally meet them and their kiddos in person!! If any of our friends and family want to see us while we are home make sure and let Adam or I know so we can plan a time to get together!!
I'll leave you with an adorable picture of my loves :)