The A Team: Consists of Adam, Amber, Aidyn and Austin

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Busy Week!

This next week is going to be a busy one! Easter is tomorrow, my parents come in on Monday night, Aidyn's birthday is on Thursday and his party on Saturday. Not to mention Adam is working 12 hour shifts all week. I'm exhausted just thinking about it all! The Easter festivities started today when I took the boys to an Easter egg hunt here on base. Yea, HUGE mistake! Aidyn was a grouch the entire time. He was mad he had to wait to get the eggs, then he was mad because he couldn't stay sitting with the Easter bunny, then he was mad I couldn't hold him because I had Austin in the Moby. Then he was mad because he couldn't reach Hunter's hand so he could hold it. Then it was a fit over the fact that the chocolate was melted. By the time we got home I was ready to pull all of my hair out! I can honestly say that we have officially hit the terrible twos! Today during nap time I have to work on putting together the boys Easter baskets, boil eggs so we can dye them when Adam gets home, put together treat bags for Aidyn's party, fold and put away laundry and I am hoping to go through our clothes so I can get things together to have a yard sale in a few weeks. Not to mention tomorrow I have to do a deep clean on my house so I will only have to do small cleaning on Friday. I'm exhausted just thinking about all I have to do in the next week!

We are taking Aidyn to the bouncy place in town on his birthday so he can have some fun and release some energy. I'm sad that Adam has to work and will miss it but such is life in the military :(. I just got a new memory card for my camera so there will be a lot of pictures for him to see(and for everyone else to see of course!)

It isn't "official" yet because we still have to wait for it to get approved but, we are planning on coming home for 2 weeks in June! I'm so excited! Aidyn will get to have a sleepover with his cousins for the entire time since we are staying with Joe and Sam and they are totally awesome and Aidyn has his own bed in Gavin and Brodie's room :). So as long as everything gets approved we will be leaving New Mexico in the early morning hours of June 3rd and returning sometime on the 19th. I'm excited to get to see all of our family and I am planning a little get together with my fellow WTE mommas!! For those of you that don't know, I have been part of an amazing group of women since I was pregnant with Aidyn. We all have kiddos who are 2 or turning 2 in the next few weeks. Even though I have never "met" any of these ladies I feel like they are my sisters. We share so much with each other, from the struggles of being the parents of toddlers, to our toddlers getting siblings and any funky and embarrassing things we may have questions about! There are 4 mommas that live in Colorado and I am so excited to finally meet them and their kiddos in person!! If any of our friends and family want to see us while we are home make sure and let Adam or I know so we can plan a time to get together!!

I'll leave you with an adorable picture of my loves :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

First Post!

So I decided that I would start a blog so all of our family back home could keep up with our lives. I have never done a blog so bare with me until I get the hang of it! :)

So, Adam is working a crazy shift this week(what's new?). He has to be at work at 4:15 am which means he is ready for bed by 8 which wouldn't be so bad but, I can not fall asleep that early no matter how hard I try! The good thing is he is home by 1. But, the end of this week also marks the beginning of him working 12 hour shifts for the next week. The base has a big inspection so I won't be seeing much of him once that starts. Oh joy! Luckily next week we are having a lot of family come in for the little man's 2nd birthday! I can't believe it has been 2 years since we welcomed into our lives. Where is the pause button? I'm not ready for my baby to grow up!

He has changed so much in the last few months too. His vocabulary has exploded, very rarely does he say something that we don't understand now. Also, we have been working on potty training. We decided to take it at his pace to reduce the stress on all of us. He has been doing awesome! At first it seemed like a lost cause but the last few days have been awesome and he has only had a few accidents. Now, if we could just get him to understand that poop goes in the potty too!

Austin is good. He loves Aidyn and almost always stops crying if Aidyn starts talking to him. He is my little drama king though. He will fuss just so someone will look at him, even when nothing is wrong. He got shots today and he was a grump the rest of the day :(. Hopefully he feels better in the morning. I started him on solids this week since he was wanting to eat 6 oz every 3 hrs which apparently a lot for a 4 month old. He has loved his solids! He will eat an entire jar in minutes and scream until I give him the bottle. He is my little garbage disposal. Shockingly he isn't nearly as chubby as Aidyn always was, he is just long!

Lastly, I will tell you what I have been up to. I have been working hard at getting things together for little man's birthday party in between play dates and cleaning the house. I swear whoever said staying home full time was easy never lived with 3 boys and a dog! I'm sure living in the desert doesn't help since I have to dust every day thanks to the lovely dust storms we have on an almost daily basis. Mom, you wouldn't survive here since you hate dusting :). Well, that's all I got for today! I'll try to keep up with this as much as I can I promise.